Your Market is Changing

Your Market is Changing

Work will be starting soon on your new market

Reimagined Market

Everything you love about the current market in an amazing new space.

Fully Open Throughout

The market will be staying open during the works, but please bear with us as we temporarily change the entrances and move stalls.

Support Our Traders

Our traders need your custom, so please continue to support them whilst we build their new home.

The Future

Transforming your market

Approximately £8.5 million will be spent to help enhance and transform the market.

Plans include radically improving its external appearance, improving the layout, new toilets, event space, energy efficiency and upgrading the entrances; all with the aim of helping to future-proof your market for many more years to come.

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The Flea Market

A space for events

The Flea Market will have a significant make-over also, to become a new flexible event and activity space adjoining the market hall and once completed, will continue to host the Flea Markets held weekly selling second-hand goods.

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