Following a pre-planning consultation process held in November, plans for external improvements to Ellesmere Port market have now been submitted for planning approval.
The proposed works being undertaken by the Council are designed to create a more sustainable building and make the market a more welcoming and vibrant space, boost footfall and deliver wider benefits for Ellesmere Port Town Centre.
New external cladding will improve energy efficiency and help to make the market more attractive and visible with a bright new colour scheme and signage incorporating separate dedicated entrances for the market hall and the flea market event space.
By creating its own entrance, the flea market would be able to function independently from the market, for example when the market is closed in the evenings.
The bright new external colour scheme has been inspired by a Vauxhall colour chart used between 1971- 1974, linking the market to the nearby Stellantis factory. Vauxhall produced its first cars in Ellesmere Port in 1964. The proposed exterior colours are based on ‘Sunspot’ warm yellow for the market entrance canopy and ‘Tasman Orange’ for the flea market entrances, alongside black and pale grey cladding.
Energy efficiency proposals include the installation of solar panels on the roof, low energy lighting and increased insulation within the new external cladding.
As part of the pre-planning consultation, a public display of the proposed plans was exhibited in the market between 1 – 12 November and an online feedback form was also provided. Traders, local councillors and other business groups were also consulted.
Feedback was very supportive, and the majority of responses backed the proposed exterior improvements and their feedback helped shape the current proposals.
During the planning application process further feedback can be submitted via the Council’s Planning Portal until 6 January 2024.
Councillor Nathan Pardoe, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Regeneration and Digital Transformation, said: “Thanks to its brilliant traders, Ellesmere Port Market is a much-loved community asset. The improvements that the Council are making will make the market even better, and the Council has made sure that all the existing stalls can stay in the new market.
“From the comments received so far, it’s clear Ellesmere Port’s residents and market traders firmly believe that it should remain a traditional market. The project team will make sure this happens in a future-proofed Ellesmere Port market that people can enjoy for years to come.”
The market improvements are part of a £13 million project using funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Levelling Up Fund. The project will transform the Ellesmere Port Market, prepare for low carbon town centre housing around Coronation Road to help bring new footfall to the town centre and create a new walking, wheeling and cycling route.
The Plans can be viewed at: (the Planning Ref no: 23/03910/FUL)
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit
The Council was awarded £13,378,478 from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.